Monday, May 3, 2010

Job Hunt update

Funny fact:
Lane Bryant does discriminate against people who are too thin.
I don't think I've ever been discriminated on for being "too thin" before.
But don't be too sad.
I am scheduled to interview with Nancy Barrus from Avenia Bridal in Provo.  
Look up her's amazing!!! 

 I am so excited I could spit! 
I know I shouldn't count my chickens before they hatch,
but I am really hoping for the opportunity to work
with her!  She does exactly what I would like 
to be doing in 5-10 years!
She makes beautiful custom wedding dresses and
also carries a full line of amazing
amazing dresses.  Check them out!!!
Wish me luck! 


Megan and Jared said...

How exciting!!! I applied at a bridal place too! Haha but I got a job somewhere else the day before they called me for an interview...sad I know. Haha oh well. Good luck!!

jesse said...

oo geez this sounds perfecto!