Sunday, March 28, 2010

How Lucky Am I?

My Life is soo so so Wonderful!
Can I just tell you all of the reasons?
Probably not, but I will name a few.

My friends rock.
I know that sounds rather cliche, but alas, it's true.
I love them!
I love the girls that live across the hall!


Cambrai is probably the utmost most incredible person I have ever met!
She is soo funny and caring and sensitive!  I absolutely adore her!
But then there is Liz, whom I could say the exact same thing about!
She is so sweet and sincere!  We volunteered at the DI together (along with 
a bunch of other girls in our Relief Society including the amazing Rizzo whom I also love:) and
we had so much fun!

p.s.  I love DI!  I am such a DI junkie!  But get this!  I got 3 tee-shirts and 
2 pairs of shoes for $12.00!  woot!  Malorie would laugh at this, but we are cut
from "different cloth."  :) oh AND Malorie brought me over homemade black-bean 
salsa...amazing!!!  Some boy will be totally lucky to get her for a wife!

Oh so then I was also love my roommates who are totally wonderful and so
cute!  Last night, we had such a fun girls night and watched Penelope (cutest 
movie ever).  AND I beat Carlie jo in a leg wrestle.  :) 


I adore them all!  I think that it is amazing how we can go from 
laughing and just "wearing pants" to really meaningful discussions of the 
Savior and where we are headed in our futures.

I am so excited for my roomie Heather because she is marrying Marcus!  They 
are the cutest couple I have seen in a long time!  I love living with her and being
able to say everyday, "That's where, who, and what I want to be in 5 years."  I am 
so grateful for her example and it brings me great joy that she and marcus will 
one day be raising children.  With the world so crazy and messed up, it's nice knowing
that there are still a few amazing and decent people running around and will raise
their kids right!

Also, miss Katie Cutler is the bomb.  I adore her.  We (the mouse in my pocket and I along
with Kenn) are pretty much best friends. even though I HATE that term!   Today we watched an Avonlea


and it completely made my day!  We rewound and paused it when Gus and Felicity were 
cuddling at school for the first time and then when Felix and Izzy met for the first time! 
It's pretty pathetic how much I relate/rely on Avonlea, but it pretty much explains who I
am.  haha!

Also, we had an Easter choirside today that was absolutely amazing!!!  Not going to lie, I 
was really nervous about it.   I love music, but am an extremely harsh critic and that often
gets in the way of me feeling the spirit of it, but it was beautiful and I can't wait for Easter!  It was a fantastic follow up to the festival of color that got me in the mood of welcoming in spring!  (If you have never been to the Holi Festival of Colors in Spanish Fork, UT and live within 3 hours of it, shame shame shame on you!  It is absolutely amazing! 


 The Hindu temple  is absolutely breathtaking!  It looks just like Jasmine's palace and it's just surrounded by beautiful farmland.  
I felt sort of weird going inside, just because when I go to the LDS temple, it is such a spiritual and sacred experience, and it is just different.  


 The best part of the festival is the chalk fight!  Everyone just gets covered head to toe, nostril to ear canal, in brightly colored powder!  Insane!  It's like the mormon Woodstalk.  I will go back every year!  What a fun way to welcome in spring and start thinking about Easter. :)

But can I just say that I can hardly wait for Easter? 
I love how the day feels.  Clean, fresh, pure, joy, love, happy.  I love how it tastes:  moona, 
pink stuff, deviled eggs, ham.  I love how I spend it: celebrating the atonement of my Savior, Jesus Christ, with the people I love most.  Best holiday of the year, far none!

I just have to say how much I love my parents!  

They are the two most wonderful people
and I hope to be just like them one day!  We talked about yard work today in Sunday School
and I got all weepy just thinking about how much I missed going and "picking rock" and 
testing for "flying snails."  I can't wait to have my own crazy family and be doing heavy 
yard work and creating a beautiful yard with all sorts of gardens!!

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