Thursday, July 29, 2010

I'm Wishing

Bad Luck to wish for things out loud, but here goes........

"I Wish it was Fall..."

Monday, July 26, 2010


Today I went grocery shopping.
p.s. I LOVE grocery shopping.  Like, favorite activity of the week.
I love looking at the displays of fruit, critiquing the labels, and checking the ingredient lists for nasty things like high fructose corn syrup and monosodium glutamate.
Maybe this is bad, but I love stocking my cart with veggies, tofu, and fish because not only do I love preparing and then eating these, but they make me look really cool and like I am following my dosha...
p.s.s. Thanks to mr. coupon, I got $10 worth of free stuff today.  woot!
Anyway, so I grabbed my delicious whole milk and put it on the bottom part of my cart.
I forgot about it.
I checked out without paying for it.
I put my cart away without realizing that it was there.
Left Smith's milkless.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Just being classy...

Why are we not taught about the basic rules of etiquette???
I love being from the west, but seriously??? we are seriously seriously lacking in the hospitality department.
Like when exactly should you send a thank you note?
How soon should that be sent?
Should you send a thank you gift?
If so, what merits a thank you gift?
Are you supposed to have the fold of your napkin facing your knees or torso?
When you're finished with dinner, do you leave your napkin folded on the chair, on the plate or beside the plate?
What do you do if the waiter is being incompetent?  Is there a way to politely request a different server?
Are your wrists supposed to stay above the table at all times or is that just a french thing?
Are you supposed to point out green things stuck in teeth?
Is it better to be dressed up or dressed down?
Is it in poor taste to be more dressed up than your entourage?
Seriously!!!  I want to know!!!
Are there any good etiquette 101 books?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


They say that the average child laughs 400 times a day.
Grown ups only laugh about 17 times.

Perhaps, because I am barely an adult, that is why I still laugh a lot.
Maybe it is immature to laugh all of the time, but it helps me.

I just read that Laughing Clubs are becoming quite popular in India.

Maybe I will start one down in Provo.
People need to lighten up a little.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I forget how incredibly blessed I am.
My body works pretty well.
I am at the greatest University in the world.
My parents and siblings love me, and I love them.  And...we get to be together forever!
I have wonderful friends with similar goals and dreams.
Life is Good.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


there are soooo many pathetics.some people are pathetic.  seriously, what's the point of being a person if you aren't a people person?
I, am a pathetic. Today I got so excited over an outfit that I am going to wear to work... on Saturday.  Pathetic?  maybe

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Tomatoes and music

I have a tomato plant that lives with me.  
His name is A. Lincoln.  Short for Abe Lincoln.
Basically, I love him.  I am trying to be to him by watering him and feeding at the right times.  (He likes early morning waterings btw)  We have a pretty good relationship, I feel, because he is a really good listener and he feeds me while I take care of him.
So, I was trying to think of ways to better improve our relationship, and I had an idea.  What if I experiment with types of music to stimulate his creative processes?  I'm thinking that since he is a male and a vegetable (well, technically fruit) he might enjoy baroque.  So far, I tried a little contemporary Muczynski on him, and I just got this annoyed vibe from him. Understandable, I guess. Tchaikosvsky is currently on trial.  Hopefully we can agree on something.  I'm really hoping that he is an impressionistic sortof plant. 

Tomatoes and music

I have a tomato plant that lives with me.  
His name is A. Lincoln.  Short for Abe Lincoln.
Basically, I love him.  I am trying to be to him by watering him and feeding at the right times.  (He likes early morning waterings btw)  We have a pretty good relationship, I feel, because he is a really good listener and he feeds me while I take care of him.
So, I was trying to think of ways to better improve our relationship, and I had an idea.  What if I experiment with types of music to stimulate his creative processes?  I'm thinking that since he is a male and a vegetable (well, technically fruit) he might enjoy baroque.  So far, I tried a little contemporary Muczynski on him, and I just got this annoyed vibe from him. Understandable, I guess. Tchaikosvsky is currently on trial.  Hopefully we can agree on something.  I'm really hoping that he is an impressionistic sortof plant.